JR'S Free Thought Pages
                                                                 No Gods  ~ No Masters    ~ No Bullshit


                                                                                                                                             Only after the last tree has been cut

                                                                                                                                        Only after the last river has been poisoned

                                                                                                                                         Only after the last fish has been caught                

                                                                                                                                Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten

                                                                                                                                                   ~ Cree Indian Prophecy ~ 


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                                 Cave ab homine unius libre* 

                                                                            Qui bene interogat bene docet**

                                                                                                           * Beware the man of one book     **One who questions well teaches well                                                                                            

                                                                                      Greetings Freethinkers  ~ Welcome to the Johnny Reb Home Page 

                                                                                  No Gods, No Masters, No Bullshit

Our world is rapidly surrendering to the activities of men and women who would stake the future of our species based on beliefs that should not survive an elementary school education.

Public opinion polls conducted during the past several years have consistently found that one third of Americans believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible while nearly 60% believe that the bloody predictions in the Book of Revelation which involve the massacre of everyone who has not accepted Jesus as the Messiah will come true. When the mass media is not promoting mindless patriotism, it's promoting a particular version of religion, pseudoscience, postmodernist epistemology or New Age irrationalism by capitalizing on the widespread ignorance and credulity regarding the supernatural and the paranormal. In recent years television has commissioned an relentless steam of drivel designed to appeal to the vast market of viewers who believe in ghosts, angels, demons and psychic phenomena. It's scandalous and deplorable that more Americans believe in astrology then they do evolution, three quarters believe in angels and four out of five in miracles and the efficacy of prayer. The American marketing of the Apocalypse (or Rapture) is a well financed multi-media production that capitalizes on fundamentalist Christian paranoia and superstition. More than one hundred million copies of the driving force behind the "end of times" Rapture called the Left Behind series of books have been sold. These books chronicle the second coming and Last Judgment of Jesus and the slaughter of anyone who refuse to believe in him. These books also have an accompanying series of horror stories targeted for children (Left Behind: The Kids) and a full length move.

Just before the 2004 presidential election the journalist Ron Suskind reported a disturbing conversation with a senior Bush aide, who informed Suskind that members of the liberal press were part of what the Bush administration calls the "reality based community" - those who "believe that solutions emerge from judicious study of discernable reality." The aide emphasized, "That's not the way the world works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too...We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left just to study what we do." In other words, there is no need for the acceptance of a mind independent reality that exists regardless of our beliefs, a fundamental premise of every scientific enterprise. These outrageous remarks show blatant contempt for not only the scientific outlook, but to the notion of metaphysical realism. Reality is just a human construct and can be created by the sheer power of the will. These statements sound as though they have been lifted right out of the latest New Age pseudoscientific rubbish one can find in a #1 selling book called The Secret.

This web site is dedicated to the promotion of free thought, skepticism and critical thinking. The maxim for this endeavor is Cogita tute*(*thinking for yourself, an activity for which very few people have a natural inclination. It would seem that humans are a credulous lot with a propensity to belief and conformity, accompanied by a  low tolerance for doubt. If I may be permitted a useful metaphor: people are sheep in credulity and wolves in conformity. This is fortunate for those in positions of power and unfortunate for the future of freedom, justice and  the democratic process. In spite of the stifling influence of the education system, religious institutions and mind-numbing conditioning of mass culture, it is possible to learn how to think clearly and develop a disposition to what I call constructive skepticism.  However, this undertaking requires immense intellectual effort, particularly if you have had the misfortune of having been raised in an authoritarian, dogmatic environment. Many people have been unwittingly exposed to a process of indoctrination,  and subsequently robbed of their intellectual autonomy, often making it virtually impossible to expose their beliefs to critical inquiry.

Over 2000 years ago Aristotle correctly stated that the ability to doubt is rare, emerging only among cultivated, educated and highly civilized societies. But he also proclaimed, "Man is a rational animal". In my view this latter assertion is clearly false. As the philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes noted, the mind tends to effortlessly and automatically take in ideas and information without intellectual filters. Consequently, a person must learn how to think logically and rationally. If you want to counter today's swamp of commonplace nonsense, misinformation, superstition and paranormal claims you need more than an inherited intelligence or inborn inclination, you need the tools and skills of critical thought.   


The philosopher Richard Paul, an expert in logic and critical thought, describes three kinds of cognitive dispositions: (1) vulgar believers, who employ slogans and platitudes to browbeat those holding different points of view into accepting their views; (2) sophisticated believers, who are skilled at using rhetoric and sophistry to provide arguments for what they already believe; and (3) critical believers, who reason their way to conclusions, are willing to expose their beliefs to skeptical scrutiny and listen to divergent points of view. There are many acceptable definitions of "critical thinking". One good one is provided by Wade & Tarvis in their book Critical and Creative Thinking:

"Critical thinking is the ability and willingness to assess claims and make objective judgments on the basis of well-supported reasons. It is the ability to look for flaws in arguments and resist claims that have no supporting evidence or that are  entirely based on motivational or emotional appeals. Critical thinking, however, is not merely negative thinking. It also fosters the ability to be creative and constructive, to generate possible explanations for findings, think of implications and apply new knowledge to a broad range of social and personal problems. You can't really separate critical thinking from creative thinking, for it's only when you question what is that you can begin to imagine what can be." 

In addition to observing the rules of logic, Wade and Tavris provide eight guidelines one should follow.


An important component of critical thinking involves the assessment of the soundness of arguments - a difficult task that demands skill in employing the rules of logic. The unpleasant truth about the intellectual life is that first rate inquiry and critical thinking require an enormous amount of effort, anxiety and even desperation. From a practical perspective, critical thinking involves three components: (1) An analysis of the meaning of arguments, their statements and words employed in those statements. An argument may be unclear because of the statements or words used in the argument. For example, presenting arguments for the existence of God is inconsequential without a clear definition of the concept "God". (2) Determining the truth or falsity of statements or, at the very least, their plausibility. Many arguments fail on the basis of the falsity or implausibility of premises. (3) A knowledge of the types of reasoning - both inductive and deductive, the variety of inferences and an analysis of the validity and coherence of the logic or reasoning process. These three components may be referred to as interpretive, verification and reasoning skills.


Critical thinking is an invaluable skill in today's world in which we are continually bombarded by useless data, bias and seriously flawed logic. We are constantly inundated by arguments designed to convince us of some conclusion that we would otherwise find unacceptable. Groups who have less than honorable intentions such as corporate advertisers, televangelists, preachers, politicians, special interest groups and a plethora of organizations and religious groups claiming paranormal or supernatural powers attempt to persuade us to believe what they want us to believe. One of the series of satires etched by the Spanish painter Goya is entitled "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters". Goya believed that many of the follies of mankind resulted from the "sleep of reason". There are always people telling us what we want, how they will provide it, and what we should believe. Convictions are infectious, and people can make others convinced of almost anything. We are typically ready to believe that our ways, our beliefs, our religion, our politics are better than theirs, or that our God-given rights trump theirs or that our interests require defensive or pre-emptive strikes against them. In the end, it is ideas for which people kill each other. Goya's full motto for his etching is, "Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters: united with her, she is the mother of the arts and the source of her wonders." That is how we should take it to be.

As Voltaire once said, "those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities", and the infamous history of religion certainly supports Voltaire's astute assertion. I sincerely believe that religion has been and continues to be a colossal negative force, causing great suffering and conflict and standing systematically in the way of most of mankind's efforts at moral progress, freedom and flourishing. Moreover, everything from the various creation myths of religions to the logical incoherence and inconsistency of the idea of miracles and supernatural agencies is, to anyone with even the most rudimentary understanding of science,  pure nonsense. Most religious entities and pronouncements are no more plausible or intelligible than my claim that there are invisible green goblins hiding out in my back yard or that pigs can fly.

                                      But then I could be wrong!               


 Learning to think critically is a matter of self-respect and intellectual integrity. We are diminished intellectually when we allow others to do our thinking for us and when we are incapable of uncovering logical flaws in another's arguments. Without these logical skills we leave ourselves vulnerable to becoming slaves to the ideas and values of others. Most of the arguments from the aforementioned groups are emotionally charged and completely lacking in rational support. Although it is important to be open-minded it does not imply that any opinion is as good as any other. Sometimes people justify mental laziness by proudly telling you that they are 'open-minded.' "It's good to be open-minded", replies philosopher Jacob Needleman, "but not so open that your brains fall out."


This page and subsequent linked pages are committed to assisting you on the path, not only to becoming an independent freethinker, but thinking clearly and critically - to become genuinely educated and free from dogma and closed systems of thought. Aristotle believed that the purpose of education is to enable us to make noble use of our leisure and he genuinely believed that the ultimate criterion of the quality of a culture is what its citizens do with their leisure time. He believed this entailed the cultivation of an enlightened autonomous thinker who will  develop a lifelong active intellectual life beyond formal schooling. In this endeavor our education system has been an abysmal failure. 


I concur with Leo Tolstoy's conception of a freethinker as one who is willing to use his mind without prejudice, bias and fear in order to understand ideas that may clash with his own customs, privileges or treasured beliefs. Bertrand Russell once proclaimed that " to be worthy of the name freethinker, one has to be free of two things...the forces of tradition...and the tyranny of our own passions."  Robert Ingersoll [1833-1899] explains his transformation from a credulous child to the status of freethinker:

"When I became convinced that the Universe is natural -- that all the ghosts and gods are myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell, the dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts, and bars, and manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world -- not even in infinite space. I was free -- free to think, to express my thoughts -- free to live to my own ideal -- free to live for myself and those I loved -- free to use all my faculties, all my senses -- free to spread imagination's wings -- free to investigate, to guess and dream and hope -- free to judge and determine for myself -- free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the "inspired" books that savages have produced, and all the barbarous legends of the past -- free from popes and priests -- free from all the "called" and "set apart" -- free from sanctified mistakes and holy lies -- free from the fear of eternal pain -- free from the winged monsters of the night -- free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free. There were no prohibited places in all the realms of thought -- no air, no space, where fancy could not spread her painted wings -- no chains for my limbs -- no lashes for my back -- no fires for my flesh -- no master's frown or threat -- no following another's steps -- no need to bow, or cringe, or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free. I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously, faced all worlds."

To foster this transformation there are positive actions you can take to reduce your vulnerability to the authority, influence  and dogma of power structures and privileged elites. For those who are interested in learning more about logic and argumentation you may want to visit my logical argumentation pages.  I created this document for use in an advanced placement calculus course I taught to enable students to learn basic rules of logic as well as how to think clearly about concepts and recognize flaws in arguments. In spite of the fact these young people were a highly motivated intelligent select group none of them had been exposed to any course in logic during their high school years.


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                                                                                          About JR: ( yeah - that's me!)....Check out my pretentious Photo Album here 

(1) Biggest Influences: My Mother, my younger brother Mark, a few inspiring teachers who were courageous enough to transcend the boundaries of the mediocre curriculum and Bertrand  Russell....Here's a terrific photo of an elderly Bertie:

The Man                                       

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), eminent mathematician, philosopher, intellectual, social critic, author of over 70 books and hundreds of essays. Russell won the Nobel prize for literature for his History of Western Philosophy and was the co-author with Alfred North Whitehead of Principia Mathematica. He was married four times, intervened personally in the First World War, Cuban missile crisis and the Sino-Indian border war, survived a plane crash at the age of 71, and was an active protestor against nuclear weapons well into his 80's. He died at he age of 98. His 3 volume autobiography published in 1967 is a fascinating read.

          The Prologue to Russell’s Autobiography 

                    "What I Have Lived For

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness—that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what—at last—I have found.

With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.

Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.

Two Notorious Quotes by "The Man":


The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. Persecution is used in theology, not in mathematics because in mathematics there is knowledge, but in theology there is only opinion.


If you think your belief is based upon reason, you will support it by argument, rather than persecution, and will abandon it if the argument goes against you. But if your belief is based upon faith, you will realize the argument is useless, and will therefore resort to force or persecution or by stunting and distorting the minds of the young in what is called "education"

Perhaps my favorite Russell essay is "An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish". Click here to read     

For A Recent Essay (2004) on Russell from Free Inquiry's "Great Minds" Series click here          

For More Russell quotes click here          For Russell's Essay on Ethics click here    

For Russell's Essay on Faith click here       For Russell on Education and Religion  

For a Russell Reading List, links to some online essays and some photos click here            

(2) Favorite writers click here  

(3) Favorite books read recently click here  

(4) Intellectual Heroes click here    

(5) Favorite Sport and Athlete: click here   

(6) Favorite Comedians: click here   

(7) Favorite Music: click here   

(8) Favorite Movies: click here   

(9) For some recent annoyances with the state of the world: Click Here   

(10) Some of my favorite quotes:  click here  

If you found these stimulating, click here for a compilation of  more of my favorite quotes.


(11) Favorite Conundrum: What was God doing before he created the Universe,  why would he bother and why did he screw up so badly?  Moreover, why would an omnipotent deity find  it necessary to rest after the sixth day? For more, check out my skeptical ruminations page.


For some of my favorite Free Thought Sites :  click here  

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To quote Spinoza, "Anything excellent is as difficult as it is rare"... and critical thought is no exception. Your starting point must be to release your mind from its lengthy exposure to the onslaught of the indoctrination and cultural conditioning of the education system and corporate media. One must unlock the mind from its hermetically sealed state. My suggestion is to start with the following:


Any of Bertrand Russell's works, especially The Will to Doubt, Skeptical Essays, Unpopular Essays and Why I Am Not A Christian. For a complete Russell reading list click here         


Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer, director of Skeptic Magazine (an excerpt from this book called "How Thinking Goes Wrong" can be found by clicking on the link.) 


How People Believe by Michael Shermer


The Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan


Why We Know it Isn't So  by Thomas Gilovich


Thinking Straight by Antony Flew


Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland


Logic and Its Limits by Patrick Shaw


Think by Simon Blackburn


Skeptics Tool Box by Barry Beyerstein (SFU Psychology Dept.)  Note: Adobe Acrobat File


Periodicals such as :  Skeptical Inquirer, Skeptic Magazine and Free Inquiry.

After reading these works you should be ready to take a promethean leap to critical thought. For an extended free thought reading list click here   

You will want to expose yourself to mind expanding classical writers such as David Hume, Friedrich Nietzsche or John Stuart Mill and contemporary social critics such as Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, Howard Zinn, Barbara Ehrenreich, Christopher Lasch, Chriis Hedges, Christopher Hitchens and John Ralston Saul. These writers are capable of unlocking the closed mind. An open mind is surely an intellectual virtue, but one should recognize the distinction between open-mindedness and a hole in the head. A "hole in the head" implies that we abandon all standards of critical inquiry and be willing to assimilate uncritically anything thrown into it. There is as much difference between an "open-mind" and a "hole in the head" as there is between "tolerance" and "anything goes."

Avoid, as much as possible, the useless drivel and distortions served up by the corporate media. Its right wing bias, lack of objectivity, unbalanced coverage, third rate writing and scarcity of critical analysis will only anesthetize your already inert brain. One of the main reasons NAFTA and other agendas of the World Trade Organization and their notion of unfettered global capitalism have been ostensibly endorsed by the masses is because no platform was available in the media for dissent or rebuttal. As Thomas Mann, the late great German writer proclaimed, "It is impossible for conflicting ideas to compete in the marketplace if no forum for their presentation is provided or available." It never fails to amaze me how the herd blindly accept what they read in the media as holy writ, thoughtlessly relinquish their rights and obediently submit to the rule of law as though it were written with their interest in mind. One must never confuse morality, ethics and justice with the legal system. The founding fathers of the constitution were rich landowners, merchants and slave owners who wanted political democracy but not economic democracy. The economic injustices that existed before were simply regularized and maximized and are now guaranteed by the rule of law and facilitated by corporate lawyers and clever accounting practices. Now we have set in motion unbridled global capitalism, a new world order concerned with promoting greed, expanding the domain of market dynamics and removing checks and balances to enable those who have the wealth to acquire even more.

 One must always be diligent and skeptical of salvation plans or simplistic facile answers to complex questions. What explains everything explains nothing. Moreover, miracles are a dime a dozen. All we need to do is observe that human egoism, credulity, fraud, myth-making and simple mistakes are too common to let us take such reports at face value. Fraud and psychological explanations provide the best way of viewing the evidence for outrageous claims. If there is any miracle in the universe, it's that so many people still actually believe in the existence of Gods and other supernatural entities.


In addition to the lack of instruction in critical thinking, logic and emphasis on conceptual understanding in mathematics and science, one of the many serious deficiencies of the education system is the failure to teach students a basic understanding of  probability and statistics. Probability and statistics, like logic, is not just for mathematicians anymore. It permeates our lives. One of the disturbing outcomes of these serious deficiencies is the prevalence of belief in the supernatural, paranormal phenomena and other various forms of pseudoscience. In a culture where genetic engineering, stem cell research, laser technology, astronomy and particle physics are daily adding to our understanding of the world, it's especially sad that a significant portion of the adult population still believes in astrology, psychic phenomena, angels, creationism, ghosts, gods, alien abduction and the efficacy of faith and prayer. Students also need to be taught more of the history, philosophy and methodology of the scientific enterprise, focusing more on conceptual understanding and less on mindless memorizing of factual information. The more science one learns, the more one becomes aware of what is not known and the provisional nature of much of what is known. This contributes to a healthy skepticism toward claims about how things are or should be. This general intellectual humility, this awareness  of the tentative nature of knowledge and of how difficult it can be to genuinely know something with certainty, is an extremely important benefit of scientific thinking.

Magical or mystical thinking is one of those chimerical human appellations, usually reserved for the other person’s religion. It is deemed acceptable for Saskatchewan farmers to offer Christian prayers to God for rain, but superstitious nonsense for a native Cree Indian, for example, to dance in the name of the Great White Spirit for the same blessing. I am one-eighth Cree (my great grandmother was a Northern Alberta Cree) but I have never considered the religious beliefs of my Cree ancestors any more or less inane than the Christian religion promoted by the dominant culture. If people would use the same arguments and critical skepticism they employ in repudiating and subsequently rejecting the beliefs and myths of competing religions and apply the methodology to their own beliefs and myths they would undoubtedly have to come to the same conclusions.


People tend to believe what they want to believe and generally fail to search impartially for evidence. I contend that the litmus test for the intellectual integrity of a belief is this: strip away all the reasons you have for wanting a belief to be true and then ask yourself if you would still believe it. Humanities oldest pathologies are egocentrism and the quest for certainty. Truth is not synonymous with social usefulness - and when beliefs persist with no evidence or supporting arguments in their favor, one should examine causes and motives. Irrational beliefs will continue to flourish so long as there are psychological and social forces to maintain them. I invite you to see my short essays titled People of Faith as well as Religion, Morality and Hypocrisy on the viability of religious ethics.


The will to believe can be very strong. Consider the case of holocaust victim Elie Weisel who had his faith literally shattered when his entire family was wiped out in the Nazi death camps. Yet after returning to normalcy following the War he curiously resumed his faith in a benevolent omnipotent God. Weisel's book Night (1961), by the way, is a profound and most fascinating account of those horrifying holocaust experiences.

 Although it is said that faith can move mountains, experience shows that dynamite is better.

The best site on skepticism of which I am aware is the one run by the philosopher Robert Todd Carroll called "The Skeptic's Dictionary". It's truly an amazing piece of work with many excellent references and links.

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                                                                                       Internal Links: Click the feather icon following the description to open the link               


Recent Postings

MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief     Death of Liberalism:    What is Religion?    Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:    The Myth of Christian Morality 

The Importance of Skepticism   Conservative Intellectual Rubbish:   Are Humans Really that Stupid?:  Reagan-Thatcher Revolution:  The Psychopathic Authoritarianism of Capitalism:   

On the Perils of Faith, Hope, Optimism and Positive Thinking Poverty of Conservatism   The Confluence of Wealth and Power      War to End all Wars:   Malfunctions of the Left:  

Corporate Hijacking of Education:     Capitalist Metaphysics::     Confessions of a Reluctant Anarchist:   Tommy Douglas Tribute:    Politicians are Lying Bastards:   Blasphemy Laws in Canada:  

Who or what is God?:   The Authoritarian Model:     Education and the Conservative Corporate Welfare State:    Is Progress is a Delusion?:    Capitalist Free Markets are a Fraud:   

Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:    Native Subjugation or How the West Was Won:    Two Unwarranted Beliefs of Liberal Christians:   Fascism in America:

Police State America:   The Corporate Takeover of the Planet:    The Conservative Corporate Welfare State:  Neo-Conservatism & the Disempowerment of Labor:    Slavery in The Bible:

Does the NDP Have a Future?:   Conservatism for Dummies   The Underachieving Christian God:  Democracy RIP - The Meritocracy Myth:   On Human Nature:    Kamikaze Kapitalism:

Socialism for the Rich: Our Democracy is a Sham: Neo-Con Dystopia:   Native Residential Schools:   Groucho Marxism God the Bungler:   Occupy the Churches:

Thoughts on the Shawshank Redemption:  Thoughts on the Russian Revolution:   Our Beneficent Government:    The Only Real Philosophy of Freedom America the Stupid

Thoughts on Democracy:    Faith, Evolution and Christian Ignorance: No Atheist in Foxholes     The State Run Corporatist Kleptocracy    Canada's Three Worst Prime Ministers:

Should Canadians be Concerned about Fascism?:   Who Was Norman Thomas?:     The Purpose of a Cop:   Conservative Anti-Intellectualism:       Updated Newspeak and Doublespeak Dictionary    

 Terrorism Since Columbus:   Swinish Multitude:    Neo-liberal Horror Story: Serve and Protect Who:   On the British Riots:   Invisible Hand:    Poverty of Economics:       

An Anarchist Primer:       The Totalitarian Nature of Neo-liberalism:       John  McMurtry's Ethical Critique of Capitalism:   The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking:

Thoughts on God, Evil, Religious Experiences and other Religious Conundrums:    What Would The Enlightenment Philosophers Say?:    Ersatz Democracy:     Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:    

Hierarchy, Business, Politics & the Peter Principle:    Christian & Capitalist Contempt for Nature:   The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking (Part Three):  We the Sheeple    

Psychopathic Ultra-Rich Power Elites, Financial Vultures and Corporatist Slime Balls of the New World Order:    On Late Capitalism, Our Fraudulent Democracies and the End Game:    

Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:    Capitalist Techo-Stupidity v Freedom and the Intellect: The Two Most Influential Intellectuals of the 20th Century:   Lotteries, Christianity and Pascal's Wager:

June 2020 Remarks of Systemic Injustice:   Unrelenting Shocks of Capitalist Realism:    Whence the Revolution:      Remembrance Day Bullshit 2020:   The Spectre of Donald Trump  

Why Would anyone Worship a Mean-Spirited Asshole?     The Disturbing Transformation of Traditional Conservatism    Jordan Peterson is a Pompous Ass     Winnipeg General Strike:

The Conservative Corporate Surveillance State:   Problems with Private Property:    The Arbitrary Nature of Laws, Cops and Prisons:    An Early "Occupy" Episode:     Enemies of the Sheeple

On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:     Cognitive Dissonance and Religion:      Fascism is Back  On Overpopulation   Thoughts on Big Al and Big Bert:

  Cancelling Everything Russian:    On Logical Dysfunction:   Margaret Thatcher's Revolting Legacy:    Western Hypocrisy and Historical Ignorance on the War in Ukraine:   

Truth About Winston Churchill:    Capitalism Sucks A Neo-liberal Horror Story     The Dumb and Dumber World   Conditional Probability and the Monty Hall Problem  

Christians, Capitalists and Other Conservatives are Wrong about Human Nature   Recent Thoughts on Anarchism in a FUBAR World   H L Mencken and the Booboisie   Top 166 Pop Songs  

What is a Theory   Schools as Instruments of Indoctrination   Get Real:  Anti-War Movies and Songs   All Wars are Based on Lies   Smart Phones are Creating Dumb People   

Pierre Poilievre is not Your Friend   Con Man Capitalism   Mr. Businessman Ongoing Russian Hatred:    Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality  

Neoliberalism Will Die:   Neighbourhood Assholes:    People Behaving Badly    Are Free Will and Morality Convenient Fiction:    Skin in the Game:   On the Take:    

Psychopaths in our Midst:    Pledging Allegiance to a Piece of Cloth:  Christian Evangelism Hall of Shame:  Burning the Canadian Flag:     Noam Chomsky on Capitalist Illusions and Realities:    

Critical Thinkers, Anti-authoritarians, Sceptics, Iconoclasts, Contrarians, Dissidents and Radicals:     Living in a FUBAR World:     Spectacles of Power and its Corruptions:   

Every Government Claims to be Democratic: 


I Personal Posts

My Favorite   ~     Books:         Writers:      Movies:       Intellectuals:    Metaphysics:   Annoyances:    Favorite Websites:     Skeptical Ruminations:   Photos:

MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief        Confessions of a Reluctant Anarchist:   Tommy Douglas Tribute: Canada's Three Worst Prime Ministers:  

The Totalitarian Nature of Neo-liberalism:    Paper on Self Esteem:  Free Thought Reading List:   Free Thought Quotations:   The Underachieving Christian God:  Open Letter to the NDP  

Ersatz Democracy:      Whence the Revolution:  Has Christianity Been Hijacked?:        Did the Easter Bunny Die for Our Sins:  Is Religion a Childhood Neurosis?: On Human Nature:  

We the Sheeple      No Atheist in Foxholes     Propaganda Inc:  Bullshit & the Contempt for Language: The Poverty of Religious Ethics:  Reflections on Remembrance Day:   

Who or what is God?:   The Purpose of a Cop:   Thoughts on God and an Afterlife:     Reading Orwell:  Patriotic Drivel:   The Conservative Corporate Welfare State:   God the Bungler:

Our Economic Malaise  Neoliberalism Will Die: Skeptics Manifesto:   On the Spanish Civil War:  Is That All There Is?:    Grade Inflation and Self-Esteem:    Groucho Marxism

Democracy RIP - The Meritocracy Myth: Faith, Evolution and Christian Ignorance:    Ongoing Russian Hatred:   Obama a Socialist and Fascist?:   Criteria for President of the USA:

  Our Beneficent Government: Ideology and Democracy:   An Anarchist Primer:     Mr. Businessman Poverty of Conservatism    America the Stupid    The Confluence of Wealth and Power  

The State Run Corporatist Kleptocracy  The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking:   The Conservative Corporate Welfare State:    Education and the Conservative Corporate Welfare State:  

Neo-Conservatism & the Disempowerment of Labor:   Ayn Rand Christianity:   Futility of Hope:    Thoughts on Democracy:    Politicians are Lying Bastards:   Humanism & Education: 

On the Perils of an Afterlife:     Who Was Norman Thomas?:    Skin in the Game:    On a Maximum Income:   Conservatives v Anarchism:   Believing in Belief:   The Moronocracy:  

Fascism in America:   Why Would anyone Worship a Mean-Spirited Asshole?:    Theory & Practice: Socialism and Anarchism:   Are Humans Really that Stupid?:    The Void of Postmodern Politics:

The Conservative Corporate Surveillance State: Serve and Protect Who:   Our Democracy is a Sham:   Conservative Anti-Intellectualism:    Capitalist Free Markets are a Fraud:

Invisible Hand:   Swinish Multitude:   Terrorism Since Columbus:   What is Religion?    Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:    The Authoritarian Model:    

The Corporate Takeover of the Planet:     Thoughts on the Russian Revolution:    What Would The Enlightenment Philosophers Say?:    John  McMurtry's Ethical Critique of Capitalism:  

Thoughts on God, Evil, Religious Experiences and other Religious Conundrums:   Lotteries, Christianity and Pascal's Wager:   Christian & Capitalist Contempt for Nature:   Fascism is Back 

Cognitive Dissonance and Religion:      Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:    The Spectre of Donald Trump    Hierarchy, Business, Politics & the Peter Principle:   Capitalist Metaphysics::     

Get Real: June 2020 Remarks of Systemic Injustice:    Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:    On Late Capitalism, Our Fraudulent Democracies and the End Game:      People Behaving Badly  

Psychopathic Ultra-Rich Power Elites, Financial Vultures and Corporatist Slime Balls of the New World Order:      Capitalist Techo-Stupidity v Freedom and the Intellect:   Jordan Peterson is a Pompous Ass  

The Two Most Influential Intellectuals of the 20th Century:   Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:   Unrelenting Shocks of Capitalist Realism:    The Arbitrary Nature of Laws, Cops and Prisons:   

The Disturbing Transformation of Traditional Conservatism   On the Perils of Faith, Hope, Optimism and Positive Thinking Problems with Private Property:     An Early "Occupy" Episode:   

On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:    Self Esteem Analysis: Winnipeg General Strike:   The Importance of Skepticism    On Overpopulation    Top 166 Pop Songs

Thoughts on Big Al and Big Bert:   Enemies of the Sheeple   Meaning of Patriotism: Patriotic Drivel:  Cancelling Everything Russian:     Remembrance Day Bullshit 2020:  

Bullshit and the Contempt for Language    On Logical Dysfunction:   Margaret Thatcher's Revolting Legacy:  Western Hypocrisy and Historical Ignorance on the War in Ukraine:   

Truth About Winston Churchill:      A Neo-liberal Horror Story     The Dumb and Dumber World    Conditional Probability and the Monty Hall Problem    Anarchism for Dummies 

Christians, Capitalists and Other Conservatives are Wrong about Human Nature      What is a Theory Recent Thoughts on Anarchism in a FUBAR World   H L Mencken and the Booboisie  

Schools as Instruments of Indoctrination   Anti-War Movies and Songs    All Wars are Based on Lies    Smart Phones are Creating Dumb People   Pierre Poilievre is not Your Friend  

Con Man Capitalism    Mr. Businessman Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality  Ongoing Russian Hatred:     Neighbourhood Assholes:  

The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking (Part Three):     Death of Liberalism:    Are Free Will and Morality Convenient Fiction:   On the Take:     Psychopaths in our Midst:   

Christian Evangelism Hall of Shame:    Burning the Canadian Flag:    Noam Chomsky on Capitalist Illusions and Realities:    The Psychopathic Authoritarianism of Capitalism:   

Critical Thinkers, Anti-authoritarians, Sceptics, Iconoclasts, Contrarians, Dissidents and Radicals:    Living in a FUBAR World:    Spectacles of Power and its Corruptions: 

Every Government Claims to be Democratic: 


II Bertrand Russell

Russell Reading List:     Russell Quotes:  On Religion and Education:      Critique of Faith:   Advantage of Cowardice:  On Authority in Ethics:   Essay on Bertrand Russell in Free Inquiry:

 (A Free Mans Worship, In Praise of Idleness, The Philosophical Consequences of Relativity, Has Religion  Made Useful Contributions to Civilization, The Russell Einstein Manifesto, What is the Soul?, Why I'm Not A Christian - Adobe Acrobat Format))

Russell and CUNY:  (Russell's 1940 prohibition from teaching at City University of New York - Adobe Acrobat Format)  Conquest of Happiness:  An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish:  

Was Bertrand Russell an Anarchist?  Thoughts on Big Al and Big Bert:


III  Native American History

500 Year Reich:   American Holocaust by David Stannard: Review of American Holocaust:    Was Columbus a Christian Terrorist?   Homeland Security:   Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee:

Genocide in the Americas:   Genocide of Canadian Indigenous People:   American Genocide:   We're Number One:   Fantasies of the Master Race:   Sand Creek Massacre:  

Columbus the Wetiko: Neither Wolf Nor Dog:   Columbus the Alien Butcher:   Native American Religion: Deconstructing Columbus:   Since Predator Came:  

Native Subjugation or How the West Was Won: US Empire in Latin America:   Native Residential Schools:   Natives Buy Montana:


IV  A C Grayling

Personal Web Site:    A C Grayling Essays:


V Logic, Skepticism & Critical Thinking

Constructive Skepticism:    Indoctrination:   Belief and faith:   Critical Thinking Guide:    MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief    The Importance of Skepticism   

Intellectual Barriers to Belief:   Influence and Authority:  Commonplace Nonsense:   Logical Argumentation:  Logic Guidelines:  On the Perils of Faith, Hope, Optimism and Positive Thinking

 Skepticism Test and Logical Levity:  Skeptics Tool Kit: (Adobe Acrobat Format)    Top Ten Modern Delusions:  On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:    On Logical Dysfunction:   

 Arguments From Ignorance:   The Latest in New Age Nonsense:  Point of Inquiry Podcasts:   Skeptics Manifesto:   Bullshit and the Contempt for Language    What is a Theory

Evolution: Fact & Theory:   Are Humans Really that Stupid?:    Get Real:    Self Esteem Analysis:   The Dumb and Dumber World   Conditional Probability and the Monty Hall Problem  

Skin in the Game:    Critical Thinkers, Anti-authoritarians, Sceptics, Iconoclasts, Contrarians, Dissidents and Radicals:    Living in a FUBAR World:   


VI  Religious, Philosophical and Scientific:

1. Atheism

Why Atheism?:    Moral Consequences of Atheism:   Critique of Divine Command Ethics:   On the Perils of an Afterlife: Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:

 Atheists and Freedom From Religion:   God is not Great:  Atheist Manifesto:   God the Bungler:    No Atheist in Foxholes     The Myth of Christian Morality 

Ethical & Intellectual Profile of Atheists:   Secularism & the Autonomy of Ethics:   Belief in Belief: The Two Most Influential Intellectuals of the 20th Century:   WWJ:  

E M Forster - What I Believe: Pat Condell Web Site:  Bill Gates & Warren Buffett: Altruistic Atheists:    Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:   The Finely Tuned Universe

The Impossibility of an Omnipotent or Omniscient God: Heretical Quotes:   What is Anarchism:    Penn Jillette There is no God:   Thank Goodness - Daniel Dennett:  

Christopher Hitches on Atheism:    The Four Horsemen (Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens & Harris:


2. Critiques of Religion and Ethics

Critique of Biblical Ethics:   The Myth of Christian Morality    Faith, Evolution and Christian Ignorance:   Thoughts on God, Evil, Religious Experiences and other Religious Conundrums:

Acts of God: Confessions of a Lonely Atheist:    My God Problem:    On the Perils of an Afterlife:   Blasphemy Laws in Canada:   Why Would anyone Worship a Mean-Spirited Asshole?:   

Christ Films:   American Taliban:  Religion, Morality & Hypocrisy:    WWJ:   Believing in Belief:     People of Faith:    Christian & Capitalist Contempt for Nature: Born Again Inc:  

Is God a Dead Beat?:   God Changes Everything:     Islam for Dummies:   Occupy the Churches:   Who or what is God?:   Lotteries, Christianity and Pascal's Wager:

H. L. Mencken on Religion: Wendy Kaminer ~ "The Last Taboo":  Evolution: Fact & Theory:   Thoughts on the Shawshank Redemption:  Cognitive Dissonance and Religion:  

Christ Conspiracy:   Michael Persinger Interview:  God is not Great:  Two Unwarranted Beliefs of Liberal Christians: Did Jesus Exist - And Does It Matter?  

Most Famous Christian of the 20th Century:     The Trouble With Religion:  Billy Graham - The Dark Side:   Thoughts on the Ten Commandments:    Christopher Hitches on Religion:  

End of World Blues - Ian McEwan:   The Christian Mafia:   Pat Condell Web Site:   God on Trial:  Suppose you are God: The Poverty of Religious Ethics:   

The Four Horsemen (Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens & Harris:   Slavery in the Bible   Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:    Darwin & Design for Dummies:   

Dubious Design:   The Case of Robert Latimer:   The Underachieving Christian God: The Jesus Sayings:   Christian Fascists:    Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:  

Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:    MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief   What is Religion?    Is Religion a Childhood Neurosis?:  

H L Mencken and the Booboisie   Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality   Mr. Businessman   Con Man Capitalism    Ongoing Russian Hatred:    

Are Free Will and Morality Convenient Fiction:    Christian Evangelism Hall of Shame: 


VII  Historical, Sociological and Political

1. Anarchism

Confessions of a Reluctant Anarchist:    What is Anarchism:  Thoughts on Anarchism:   Anarchism and Education in 20th Century:   Thoughts on the Russian Revolution:  

Anarchist Education:    Howard Zinn on Anarchism:   A Modern Account of Anarchism:   Conservatives v Anarchism:   The Authoritarian Model:    An Anarchist Primer:   

Theory & Practice: Socialism and Anarchism:   The Only Real Philosophy of Freedom   Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:   Capitalism Sucks Anarchism for Dummies 

Recent Thoughts on Anarchism in a FUBAR World   Spectacles of Power and its Corruptions: 


2. Spanish Civil War

Synopsis of the Spanish Civil War:   Paul Preston on the Spanish Civil War:    Prelude and Aftermath of the Spanish Civil War:   Forgotten Genocide:    Alvah Bessie - Men in Battle(1939):   

Epilogue to Men in Battle:   Durruti in the Spanish Revolution:  


3. North American Politics and Culture

Our Democracy is a Sham:    Ersatz Democracy:     The Conservative Corporate Surveillance State: Neoliberalism Will Die: John  McMurtry's Ethical Critique of Capitalism:  

The Purpose of a Cop:   Bush and the Ethics of Belief:     Religiosity in the American Presidency:  Bill Moyers on What's wrong with America:    The Moronocracy:

Should Canadians be Concerned about Fascism?:   Bill Moyers: America 101:    Bill Moyers: Discovering Democracy:  Secularization in the USA?:     Conservative Anti-Intellectualism: 

The Nation State is Obsolete:  Police State America:   Harold Pinter Nobel Speech on US Imperialism:      Joshua, Constantine, Hitler and Bush: Ronald Reagan Obituary:  

Capitalist Free Markets are a Fraud:   Reagan-Thatcher Revolution:   Class Divisions in American Society:    What is Fascism?   Ghosts of 9-11   White Whale by E L Doctorow:  

Neo-Con Dystopia: Are we all Socialists:   June 2020 Remarks of Systemic Injustice:    The Fraud Called Thanksgiving:  Afghanistan: The Real Story:   A Brief History of Corporate Welfare: 

Obama a Socialist and Fascist?:   Socialism for the Rich: Fascism in America:    The Conservative Corporate Welfare State: Education and the Conservative Corporate Welfare State:  

War is a Force that Gives us Meaning:    The Totalitarian Nature of Neo-liberalism:     Neo-Conservatism & the Disempowerment of Labor:   American Amnesia:   Tragedy of Haiti:  

Democracy RIP - The Meritocracy Myth:   Corporatization of the Planet:   Conservatism for Dummies     Tommy Douglas Tribute:   Groucho Marxism   Our Beneficent Government:  

Ideology and Democracy:   America the Stupid   Neo-liberal Horror Story:    The Spectre of Donald Trump    The State Run Corporatist Kleptocracy   The Confluence of Wealth and Power  

Poverty of Conservatism    Thoughts on Democracy:    Corporate Hijacking of Education:   Self Esteem Analysis: Politicians are Lying Bastards:   Anti-American Manifesto:   

Our Economic Malaise   War to End all Wars:   Conservative Intellectual Rubbish:   Malfunctions of the Left: Patriotic Drivel:  Vile Conservatism of Stephen Harper:  

Michael Parenti Page:    Support the Troops!:   Ayn Rand Christianity:   The Void of Postmodern Politics:    Who Was Norman Thomas?:    Criteria for President of the USA:  

Immorality of the War in Iraq:      Canada's Three Worst Prime Ministers:   Kamikaze Kapitalism:   Poverty of Economics:       Impending War in Iraq:  Terrorism Since Columbus:  

Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:    The Corporate Takeover of the Planet:     Does the NDP Have a Future?:    We the Sheeple  

The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking:   Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:       Hierarchy, Business, Politics & the Peter Principle:   Capitalist Metaphysics::    

Winnipeg General Strike: Psychopathic Ultra-Rich Power Elites, Financial Vultures and Corporatist Slime Balls of the New World Order:     Capitalist Techo-Stupidity v Freedom and the Intellect:

On Late Capitalism, Our Fraudulent Democracies and the End Game:      Whence the Revolution:    People Behaving Badly      The Disturbing Transformation of Traditional Conservatism   

Jordan Peterson is a Pompous Ass    Meaning of Patriotism:  Problems with Private Property:    The Arbitrary Nature of Laws, Cops and Prisons:    An Early "Occupy" Episode:   

On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:    Enemies of the Sheeple   Margaret Thatcher's Revolting Legacy:    Western Hypocrisy and Historical Ignorance on the War in Ukraine:   

A Neo-liberal Horror Story    Schools as Instruments of Indoctrination   Anti-War Movies and Songs   All Wars are Based on Lies    Pierre Poilievre is not Your Friend  

Con Man Capitalism   Ongoing Russian Hatred:    Mr. Businessman   Skin in the Game:    Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality  

The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking (Part Three):    Neighbourhood Assholes:    Death of Liberalism:    Skin in the Game:     Pledging Allegiance to a Piece of Cloth:   

Burning the Canadian Flag:    Noam Chomsky on Capitalist Illusions and Realities:    The Psychopathic Authoritarianism of Capitalism:     Living in a FUBAR World:   

Spectacles of Power and its Corruptions:    Every Government Claims to be Democratic: 

4. Cultural and Sociological

Patriotism: Four Fundamentalisms:    Dissent Page (Audio Clips):    Michael Parenti Page:   Futility of Hope:   Updated Newspeak and Doublespeak Dictionary   People Behaving Badly    

Richard Rorty - Failed Prophecies:    Kurt Vonnegut - Cold Turkey: Noam Chomsky Interview with CBC Radio (2002):    What Would The Enlightenment Philosophers Say?:

National Anthems:   Harold Bloom - Reflections:   Affirmative Action for Privileged White Males   On Human Nature:  Religion vs Class Struggles:   Grade Inflation and Self-Esteem:

Who was Adam Smith:     Pat Condell Web Site:   An Idiot's Guide to the War in Iraq:   Noam Chomsky - Goals and Visions:   Reflections on Remembrance Day:  On Overpopulation

Noam Chomsky: Interview on Ethics and War (July 2007):    Corporate Chemists from Hell:   Positive Thinking Mythology: Is Progress is a Delusion?:   Venture Capitalism for Dummies:   

Humanism & Education:  On Vaclav Havel  On the British Riots:   Invisible Hand:   Swinish Multitude: National Anthems, Loyalty Oaths and Other Patriotic Drivel:   Skin in the Game:   

Cancelling Everything Russian:    Christians, Capitalists and Other Conservatives are Wrong about Human Nature     Top 166 Pop Songs    Smart Phones are Creating Dumb People  

On the Take:     Psychopaths in our Midst:   Pledging Allegiance to a Piece of Cloth:     Burning the Canadian Flag:    Living in a FUBAR World:    Spectacles of Power and its Corruptions: 


VIII  Humor

Woody Allen: 1  2  3   George Carlin page:      George Carlin Quotes:       Ridiculous Religions:   Updated Newspeak and Doublespeak Dictionary

George Carlin on the Ten Commandments:     Bill Hicks Quotes:    Bill Hicks Audio Clips:   Curmudgeon's Dictionary of Religion:    Curmudgeon's Dictionary of Business:   



                                                                                                              Why be born again when you can just grow up?          

                                                                                                             Freedom is the distance between Church and State