JR'S Free Thought Pages |
Moral Literacy - Or How to do the Right Thing - Colin McGinn (good starter) The Future of Moral Values - A. C. Grayling (good starter) Practical Ethics - Peter Singer Rethinking Life and Death - Peter Singer Animal Liberation - Peter Singer The Right Thing to Do - James Rachels Ethics Without God - Kai Nielsen Why Be Moral? - Kai Nielsen Theories of Ethics - Phillipa Foot* Moral Concepts - Joel Fienberg* Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy - Bernard Williams* Ethics - J.L. Mackie* Human Conduct - John Hospers* (* More Technical)
The Meaning of Things (2002) by A.C. Grayling (excellent short essays by a first-rate contemporary philosopher) Graylings book on Russell is also worth reading. His website has some postings of his writings and a bibliography. Click Here Anything you can find by Grayling is well worth reading. The Reason of Things - A. C. Grayling Meditations for the Humanist - A. C. Grayling What Does It All Mean Thomas Nagel (good starter) Philosophy,
The Basics (2nd Ed.) Nigel Warburton Thinking From A to Z - Nigel Warburton (good starter) The Meaning of it All Richard Feynman (A fascinating biography of Feynman is Genius by James Gleick) Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl The True Believer - Eric Hoffer Dialogues
Concerning Natural Religion David Hume Classics
of Free Thought Paul Blandshard, ed. The Plato Cult and Other Philosophical Follies David Stove The Faith of a Heretic Walter Kaufman The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener Martin Gardner The Demon Haunted World Carl Sagan (A First rate read - Check out the Carl Sagan memorial here.) Brocas Brain Carl Sagan Innumeracy John Allen Paulos (For an article by Paulos titled "Math and Miracles" click here.) A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper John Allen Paulos The New Skepticism Paul Kurtz For an interview with Kurtz click here. The Transcendental Temptation Paul Kurtz Varieties of Unbelief: From Epicurus to Sartre J.C.A Gaskin, ed. Why We Know It Isn't So - Thomas Gilovich Critical Thinking Richard Paul Critical Thinking (2nd Edition) - William Hughes With Good Reason Morris Engel Thinking Straight - Antony Flew Straight and Crooked Thinking Robert H. Thouless The Art of Argument Giles St. Aubyn How do you Know Its True Hy Ruchlis Why People Believe Weird Things Michael Shermer How to Think About Weird Things Theodore Schick Jr. & Lewis Vaughn Labyrinths of Reason William Poundstone Thinking About Logic Stephen Read Logic and Its limits - Patrick Shaw Irrationality - Stuart Sutherland The Problem of God Peter A. Angeles The Born Again Skeptics Guide to the Bible Ruth H. Green Logic textbooks: Introduction to Logic - Irving M. Copi Becoming Logical - Robert Paul Churchill Practical Logic - Vincent Barry & D. J. Soccio Good Reasoning Matters - L. A. Groarke, C. W. Tindale & L. Fisher
Aha Gotcha , Aha Insight, & Order and Surprise - all by Martin Gardner What is the name of This Book, This Book Needs No Title, 5000 BC and Other Philosophical Fantasies, Alice in Puzzleland, The lady or the Tiger, To Mock a Mockingbird and The Tao is Silent - all by Raymond Smullyan There Are Two Errors in The The Title of This Book - Robert M. Martin * * Error #1: two appearances of "The" , Error #2: There is only one error I Think, Therefore I Laugh and Mathematics and Humor - both by John Allen Paulos The Paradoxicon by Nicholas Falleta and Paradoxes by R. M. Sainsbury
Necessary Illusions Noam Chomsky ( anything by Chomsky is worth reading) Democracy for the Few Michael Parenti Dirty Truths Michael Parenti The Ecology of Commerce Paul Hawken Kindly Inquisitors Johnathan Rauch The Worst Years of Our Lives - Barbara Ehrenreich The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy - Christopher Lasch Future-Hype: The Tyranny of Prophecy - Max Dublin When Freedoms Collide - A. Allan Borovoy The Unconscious Civilization John Ralston Saul The Doubters Companion John Ralston Saul The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice Christopher Hitchens (explodes the myth of Mother Teresa) Forbidden Knowledge - Roger Shattuck Disobedience and Other Essays - Erich Fromm Illiberal Education Dinesh DSouza Dogmatic Wisdom Russell Jacoby The End of Education Neil Postman Amusing Ourselves to Death Neil Postman Conscientious Objections Neil Postman Education for Intelligent Belief and Non-Belief Nell Noddings On Education Northrup Frye A People's History of the United States - Howard Zinn The Zinn Reader - Howard Zinn
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science Martin Gardner Science Good, Bad and Bogus Martin Gardner Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism - Philip Kitcher Origins,
A Skeptics Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth Robert Shapiro Evolution
and the Myth of Creationism Tim M. Berra Darwins
Dangerous Idea Daniel C. Dennett The
Selfish Gene Richard Dawkins The
Blind Watchmaker Richard Dawkins River
Out of Eden Richard Dawkins Full House Stephen Jay Gould (Anything by Gould is worth reading) Consilience E. O. Wilson
Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Charles MacKay The Crowd Gustav Le Bon Crowds and Power Elias Canetti Contrarian Investing - A.M. Gallea & William Patalon III Contrarian Investment Strategies - David Dreman