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Many of Russell’s books are still in print and/or are available in good used bookstores. This list is not exhaustive. History of Western Philosophy Why I Am Not A Christian Skeptical Essays Unpopular Essays Authority and the Individual Power Principles of Social Reconstruction Marriage and Morals The Conquest of Happiness Human Society in Ethics and politics Religion and Science The Will to Doubt Philosophical Essays The Problems of Philosophy The Art of Philosophizing An Outline of Philosophy Mysticism and Logic Philosophical Essays Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell Education and the Social Order On Education What I Believe Our Knowledge of the External World Roads to Freedom My Philosophical development Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare The Analysis of Mind Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell (3 Vols.)
Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish Will Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles? Ideas That have Harmed Mankind Ideas That have Helped Mankind Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism 1948 BBC Debate between Russell and F. Copleston on God's Existence Essay on Russell by Paul Edwards in Free Inquiry
Bertrand Russell on Critical Thinking - William Hare (one of my former professors) Bertrand Russell Archive at McMaster University
Russell at UCLA BBC Broadcast Nobel Prize Portrait Bertrand
Russell 1872-1970
1914, Russell was well known in academic circles as a logician and
mathematician. By 1918, he had become a famous public and political figure. When
war was declared against Germany in 1914 Russell was appalled. He spoke
excellent German, was well acquainted with many German philosophers and
mathematicians and had a high regard for their culture. He was also instrumental
in bringing the young Austrian prodigy Ludwig Wittgenstein to Cambridge. Russell
was aghast at the fervent enthusiasm for the war among the general populace and
thought the government was guilty of war mongering and playing on their
instinctive but unwarranted fears of foreigners. He wrote several pamphlets
condemning the war, arguing that war between two civilized countries like
Germany and Britain was sheer madness. When the British government introduced
conscription in 1916 Russell was outraged even further. Russell was a dynamic
confident public speaker – and his cogent arguments were very persuasive. His
lectures were well attended, convincing many to protest the war and become
conscientious objectors. Russell’s disgust at the senseless slaughter prompted
him to proclaim, “I hate the planet and the human race. I am ashamed to belong
to such a species.” Ultimately the British government took action against
Russell when he attempted to incite a general strike and was sent to prison for
six months. During his incarceration Russell spent his time studying and wrote a
book “The Analysis of Mind”. By
the 1920’s Russell’s work on logic as well as his contributions to
mathematical and analytic philosophy were influencing a new generation of young
philosophers, in particular the Logical Positivists. But by that time, Russell
had begun a new career – as journalist, lecturer, political activist and
writer of books on science and philosophy for the general public. He went on
several gruelling lecture tours in the United States and there pronounced on
many different social issues including World Peace, Warfare and freedom of the
individual. He denounced both Fascism and Communism as serious infringements on
the freedom of the individual. Modern totalitarian dictatorships are like
religions with unthinking loyal disciples, convinced by a world-view that claims
a salvation plan for humanity and monopoly on the truth. Russell’s visits to
Russia had made him deeply suspicious of State Socialism but he was also opposed
to the concentration of power in the hands of wealthy individuals, powerful
corporations or the State.