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 Recent Postings

MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief     Death of Liberalism:    What is Religion?    Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:    The Myth of Christian Morality 

The Importance of Skepticism   Conservative Intellectual Rubbish:   Are Humans Really that Stupid?:  Reagan-Thatcher Revolution:  On the Perils of Faith, Hope, Optimism and Positive Thinking

Poverty of Conservatism   The Confluence of Wealth and Power      War to End all Wars:   Malfunctions of the Left:   Corporate Hijacking of Education:     Capitalist Metaphysics::  

Confessions of a Reluctant Anarchist:   Tommy Douglas Tribute:    Politicians are Lying Bastards:   Blasphemy Laws in Canada:  Who or what is God?:   The Authoritarian Model:    

Education and the Conservative Corporate Welfare State:    Is Progress is a Delusion?:    Capitalist Free Markets are a Fraud:    Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:  

Native Subjugation or How the West Was Won:    Two Unwarranted Beliefs of Liberal Christians:   Fascism in America: Police State America:   The Corporate Takeover of the Planet:   

The Conservative Corporate Welfare State:  Neo-Conservatism & the Disempowerment of Labor:    Slavery in The Bible: Does the NDP Have a Future?:   Conservatism for Dummies  

The Underachieving Christian God:  Democracy RIP - The Meritocracy Myth:   On Human Nature:    Kamikaze Kapitalism: Socialism for the Rich: Our Democracy is a Sham:

Neo-Con Dystopia:   Native Residential Schools:   Groucho Marxism God the Bungler:   Occupy the Churches: Thoughts on the Shawshank Redemption:  Thoughts on the Russian Revolution:  

Our Beneficent Government:    The Only Real Philosophy of Freedom America the Stupid Thoughts on Democracy:    Faith, Evolution and Christian Ignorance: No Atheist in Foxholes  

The State Run Corporatist Kleptocracy    Canada's Three Worst Prime Ministers: Should Canadians be Concerned about Fascism?:   Who Was Norman Thomas?:     The Purpose of a Cop:  

Conservative Anti-Intellectualism:       Updated Newspeak and Doublespeak Dictionary     Terrorism Since Columbus:   Swinish Multitude:    Neo-liberal Horror Story: Serve and Protect Who:  

On the British Riots:   Invisible Hand:    Poverty of Economics:       An Anarchist Primer:       The Totalitarian Nature of Neo-liberalism:       John  McMurtry's Ethical Critique of Capitalism:

Thoughts on God, Evil, Religious Experiences and other Religious Conundrums:    What Would The Enlightenment Philosophers Say?:  The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking:     Ersatz Democracy:  

Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:     Hierarchy, Business, Politics & the Peter Principle:    Christian & Capitalist Contempt for Nature:   The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking (Part Three):

We the Sheeple     Psychopathic Ultra-Rich Power Elites, Financial Vultures and Corporatist Slime Balls of the New World Order:    On Late Capitalism, Our Fraudulent Democracies and the End Game:    

Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:    Capitalist Techo-Stupidity v Freedom and the Intellect: The Two Most Influential Intellectuals of the 20th Century:   Lotteries, Christianity and Pascal's Wager:

June 2020 Remarks of Systemic Injustice:   Unrelenting Shocks of Capitalist Realism:    Whence the Revolution:      Remembrance Day Bullshit 2020:   The Spectre of Donald Trump  

Why Would anyone Worship a Mean-Spirited Asshole?     The Disturbing Transformation of Traditional Conservatism    Jordan Peterson is a Pompous Ass    The Conservative Corporate Surveillance State:  

Problems with Private Property:    The Arbitrary Nature of Laws, Cops and Prisons:    An Early "Occupy" Episode:    On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:     Winnipeg General Strike:

Cognitive Dissonance and Religion:      Fascism is Back  On Overpopulation   Thoughts on Big Al and Big Bert: Enemies of the Sheeple   Cancelling Everything Russian:   

On Logical Dysfunction:   Margaret Thatcher's Revolting Legacy:    Western Hypocrisy and Historical Ignorance on the War in Ukraine:    Truth About Winston Churchill:    Capitalism Sucks

A Neo-liberal Horror Story     The Dumb and Dumber World   Conditional Probability and the Monty Hall Problem   Christians, Capitalists and Other Conservatives are Wrong about Human Nature  

Recent Thoughts on Anarchism in a FUBAR World   H L Mencken and the Booboisie   Top 166 Pop Songs   What is a Theory   Schools as Instruments of Indoctrination   Get Real:

Anti-War Movies and Songs   All Wars are Based on Lies   Smart Phones are Creating Dumb People    Pierre Poilievre is not Your Friend   Con Man Capitalism   Mr. Businessman

Ongoing Russian Hatred:    Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality   Neoliberalism Will Die:   Neighbourhood Assholes:    People Behaving Badly  

 Are Free Will and Morality Convenient Fiction:    Skin in the Game:   On the Take:     Psychopaths in our Midst:    Pledging Allegiance to a Piece of Cloth:  Christian Evangelism Hall of Shame: 

Burning the Canadian Flag:  


I Personal Posts

My Favorite   ~     Books:         Writers:      Movies:       Intellectuals:    Metaphysics:   Annoyances:    Favorite Websites:     MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief   

Skeptical Ruminations:   Photos:     Confessions of a Reluctant Anarchist:   Tommy Douglas Tribute: Canada's Three Worst Prime Ministers:   The Totalitarian Nature of Neo-liberalism:   

Paper on Self Esteem:  Free Thought Reading List:   Free Thought Quotations:   The Underachieving Christian God:  Open Letter to the NDP   Ersatz Democracy:      Whence the Revolution: 

Has Christianity Been Hijacked?:        Did the Easter Bunny Die for Our Sins:  Is Religion a Childhood Neurosis?: On Human Nature:   We the Sheeple      No Atheist in Foxholes  

Propaganda Inc:  Bullshit & the Contempt for Language: The Poverty of Religious Ethics:  Reflections on Remembrance Day:  Who or what is God?:   The Purpose of a Cop:  

Thoughts on God and an Afterlife:     Reading Orwell:  Patriotic Drivel:   The Conservative Corporate Welfare State: Our Economic Malaise  Neoliberalism Will Die: Skeptics Manifesto:

On the Spanish Civil War:  Is That All There Is?:    Grade Inflation and Self-Esteem:   Democracy RIP - The Meritocracy Myth: Faith, Evolution and Christian Ignorance:    Ongoing Russian Hatred:  

Obama a Socialist and Fascist?:   Criteria for President of the USA: Groucho Marxism   Our Beneficent Government: Ideology and Democracy:   An Anarchist Primer:     Mr. Businessman

Poverty of Conservatism    America the Stupid    The Confluence of Wealth and Power   The State Run Corporatist Kleptocracy God the Bungler:   The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking:

The Conservative Corporate Welfare State:    Education and the Conservative Corporate Welfare State:   Neo-Conservatism & the Disempowerment of Labor:   Ayn Rand Christianity:

Futility of Hope:    Thoughts on Democracy:    Politicians are Lying Bastards:   Humanism & Education:  On the Perils of an Afterlife:     Who Was Norman Thomas?:    Skin in the Game:   

On a Maximum Income:   Conservatives v Anarchism:   Believing in Belief:   The Moronocracy:   Fascism in America:   Why Would anyone Worship a Mean-Spirited Asshole?:   

Theory & Practice: Socialism and Anarchism:   Are Humans Really that Stupid?:    The Void of Postmodern Politics: The Conservative Corporate Surveillance State: Serve and Protect Who:  

Our Democracy is a Sham:   Conservative Anti-Intellectualism:    Capitalist Free Markets are a Fraud: Invisible Hand:   Swinish Multitude:   Terrorism Since Columbus:   What is Religion?  

Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:   The Corporate Takeover of the Planet:     Thoughts on the Russian Revolution:    The Authoritarian Model:    

What Would The Enlightenment Philosophers Say?:    John  McMurtry's Ethical Critique of Capitalism:   Thoughts on God, Evil, Religious Experiences and other Religious Conundrums:

Lotteries, Christianity and Pascal's Wager:   Christian & Capitalist Contempt for Nature:   Cognitive Dissonance and Religion:      Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:    The Spectre of Donald Trump  

Hierarchy, Business, Politics & the Peter Principle:   Capitalist Metaphysics::     Get Real: June 2020 Remarks of Systemic Injustice:   Fascism is Back   Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:

 Psychopathic Ultra-Rich Power Elites, Financial Vultures and Corporatist Slime Balls of the New World Order:    On Late Capitalism, Our Fraudulent Democracies and the End Game:    

 Capitalist Techo-Stupidity v Freedom and the Intellect:   The Two Most Influential Intellectuals of the 20th Century:   Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:   Unrelenting Shocks of Capitalist Realism:  

People Behaving Badly   The Disturbing Transformation of Traditional Conservatism   Jordan Peterson is a Pompous Ass   On the Perils of Faith, Hope, Optimism and Positive Thinking

Problems with Private Property:    The Arbitrary Nature of Laws, Cops and Prisons:    An Early "Occupy" Episode:    On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:    Self Esteem Analysis:

Winnipeg General Strike:   The Importance of Skepticism    On Overpopulation   Thoughts on Big Al and Big Bert:   Enemies of the Sheeple   Meaning of Patriotism: Patriotic Drivel:

Cancelling Everything Russian:     Remembrance Day Bullshit 2020:   Bullshit and the Contempt for Language    On Logical Dysfunction:   Margaret Thatcher's Revolting Legacy: 

Western Hypocrisy and Historical Ignorance on the War in Ukraine:    Truth About Winston Churchill:    Capitalism Sucks   A Neo-liberal Horror Story     The Dumb and Dumber World   

Conditional Probability and the Monty Hall Problem   Christians, Capitalists and Other Conservatives are Wrong about Human Nature    Anarchism for Dummies  Top 166 Pop Songs   What is a Theory

Recent Thoughts on Anarchism in a FUBAR World   H L Mencken and the Booboisie   Schools as Instruments of Indoctrination   Anti-War Movies and Songs    All Wars are Based on Lies  

Smart Phones are Creating Dumb People   Pierre Poilievre is not Your Friend   Con Man Capitalism    Mr. Businessman Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality

 Ongoing Russian Hatred:   The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking (Part Three):   Neighbourhood Assholes:    Death of Liberalism:    Are Free Will and Morality Convenient Fiction:  

On the Take:     Psychopaths in our Midst:    Christian Evangelism Hall of Shame:    Burning the Canadian Flag:  


II Bertrand Russell

Russell Reading List:     Russell Quotes:  On Religion and Education:      Critique of Faith: 

Advantage of Cowardice:  On Authority in Ethics:   Essay on Bertrand Russell in Free Inquiry:

Russell Essay Collection: (A Free Mans Worship, In Praise of Idleness, The Philosophical Consequences of Relativity, Has Religion

 Made Useful Contributions to Civilization, The Russell Einstein Manifesto, What is the Soul?, Why I'm Not A Christian - Adobe Acrobat Format))

Russell and CUNY:  (Russell's 1940 prohibition from teaching at City University of New York - Adobe Acrobat Format)

Conquest of Happiness:  An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish:   Was Bertrand Russell an Anarchist?  Thoughts on Big Al and Big Bert:


III  Native American History

500 Year Reich:   American Holocaust by David Stannard: Review of American Holocaust:  

Was Columbus a Christian Terrorist?   Homeland Security:   Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee:

Genocide in the Americas:   Genocide of Canadian Indigenous People:   American Genocide:

We're Number One:   Fantasies of the Master Race:   Sand Creek Massacre:   Columbus the Wetiko:

Neither Wolf Nor Dog:   Columbus the Alien Butcher:   Native American Religion:

Deconstructing Columbus:   Since Predator Came:   Native Subjugation or How the West Was Won:

US Empire in Latin America:   Native Residential Schools:   Natives Buy Montana:


IV  A C Grayling

Personal Web Site:    A C Grayling Essays:


V Logic, Skepticism & Critical Thinking

Constructive Skepticism:    Indoctrination:   Belief and faith:   Critical Thinking Guide:    MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief    The Importance of Skepticism   

Intellectual Barriers to Belief:   Influence and Authority:  Commonplace Nonsense:   Logical Argumentation:  Logic Guidelines:  On the Perils of Faith, Hope, Optimism and Positive Thinking

 Skepticism Test and Logical Levity:  Skeptics Tool Kit: (Adobe Acrobat Format)    Top Ten Modern Delusions:  On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:    On Logical Dysfunction:   

 Arguments From Ignorance:   The Latest in New Age Nonsense:  Point of Inquiry Podcasts:   Skeptics Manifesto:   Bullshit and the Contempt for Language    What is a Theory

Evolution: Fact & Theory:   Are Humans Really that Stupid?:    Get Real:    Self Esteem Analysis:   The Dumb and Dumber World   Conditional Probability and the Monty Hall Problem  

Skin in the Game:   


VI  Religious, Philosophical and Scientific:

1. Atheism

Why Atheism?:    Moral Consequences of Atheism:   Critique of Divine Command Ethics:   On the Perils of an Afterlife: Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:

 Atheists and Freedom From Religion:   God is not Great:  Atheist Manifesto:   God the Bungler:    No Atheist in Foxholes     The Myth of Christian Morality 

Ethical & Intellectual Profile of Atheists:   Secularism & the Autonomy of Ethics:   Belief in Belief: The Two Most Influential Intellectuals of the 20th Century:

E M Forster - What I Believe: Pat Condell Web Site:  Bill Gates & Warren Buffett: Altruistic Atheists:    Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:

The Impossibility of an Omnipotent or Omniscient God: Heretical Quotes:   What is Anarchism:  

Penn Jillette There is no God:   Thank Goodness - Daniel Dennett:   Christopher Hitches on Atheism:  

The Four Horsemen (Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens & Harris: WWJ:   The Finely Tuned Universe


2. Critiques of Religion and Ethics

Critique of Biblical Ethics:   The Myth of Christian Morality    Faith, Evolution and Christian Ignorance:   Thoughts on God, Evil, Religious Experiences and other Religious Conundrums:

Acts of God: Confessions of a Lonely Atheist:    My God Problem:    On the Perils of an Afterlife:   Blasphemy Laws in Canada:   Why Would anyone Worship a Mean-Spirited Asshole?:   

Christ Films:   American Taliban:  Religion, Morality & Hypocrisy:    WWJ:   Believing in Belief:     People of Faith:    Christian & Capitalist Contempt for Nature: Born Again Inc:  

Is God a Dead Beat?:   God Changes Everything:     Islam for Dummies:   Occupy the Churches:   Who or what is God?:   Lotteries, Christianity and Pascal's Wager:

H. L. Mencken on Religion: Wendy Kaminer ~ "The Last Taboo":  Evolution: Fact & Theory:   Thoughts on the Shawshank Redemption:  Cognitive Dissonance and Religion:  

Christ Conspiracy:   Michael Persinger Interview:  God is not Great:  Two Unwarranted Beliefs of Liberal Christians: Did Jesus Exist - And Does It Matter?  Most Famous Christian of the 20th Century:

  The Trouble With Religion:  Billy Graham - The Dark Side:   Thoughts on the Ten Commandments:    Christopher Hitches on Religion:   End of World Blues - Ian McEwan:   The Christian Mafia:  

Pat Condell Web Site:   God on Trial:  Suppose you are God: The Poverty of Religious Ethics:    The Four Horsemen (Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens & Harris:   Slavery in the Bible

  Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:    Darwin & Design for Dummies:    Dubious Design:   The Case of Robert Latimer:   The Underachieving Christian God:

The Jesus Sayings:   Christian Fascists:    Covid-19 and the Big Guy in the Sky:   Religion - The Multi-Trillion Dollar Racket:    MA Thesis: Skepticism, Critical Thinking and the Ethics of Belief 

What is Religion?    Is Religion a Childhood Neurosis?:   H L Mencken and the Booboisie   Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality   Mr. Businessman

Con Man Capitalism    Ongoing Russian Hatred:     Are Free Will and Morality Convenient Fiction:    Christian Evangelism Hall of Shame: 


VII  Historical, Sociological and Political

1. Anarchism

Confessions of a Reluctant Anarchist:    What is Anarchism:  Thoughts on Anarchism:   Anarchism and Education in 20th Century:   Thoughts on the Russian Revolution:  

Anarchist Education:    Howard Zinn on Anarchism:   A Modern Account of Anarchism:   Conservatives v Anarchism:   The Authoritarian Model:    An Anarchist Primer:   

Theory & Practice: Socialism and Anarchism:   The Only Real Philosophy of Freedom   Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:   Capitalism Sucks Anarchism for Dummies 

Recent Thoughts on Anarchism in a FUBAR World


2. Spanish Civil War

Synopsis of the Spanish Civil War:   Paul Preston on the Spanish Civil War:    Prelude and Aftermath of the Spanish Civil War:

Forgotten Genocide:    Alvah Bessie - Men in Battle(1939):    Epilogue to Men in Battle:   Durruti in the Spanish Revolution:


3. North American Politics and Culture

Our Democracy is a Sham:    Ersatz Democracy:     The Conservative Corporate Surveillance State: Neoliberalism Will Die: John  McMurtry's Ethical Critique of Capitalism:   The Purpose of a Cop:  

Bush and the Ethics of Belief:     Religiosity in the American Presidency:  Bill Moyers on What's wrong with America:    The Moronocracy: Should Canadians be Concerned about Fascism?:

Bill Moyers: America 101:    Bill Moyers: Discovering Democracy:  Secularization in the USA?:     Conservative Anti-Intellectualism:  The Nation State is Obsolete:  Police State America:

Harold Pinter Nobel Speech on US Imperialism:      Joshua, Constantine, Hitler and Bush: Ronald Reagan Obituary:   Capitalist Free Markets are a Fraud:   Reagan-Thatcher Revolution:  

Class Divisions in American Society:    What is Fascism?   Ghosts of 9-11   White Whale by E L Doctorow:  Neo-Con Dystopia: Are we all Socialists:   June 2020 Remarks of Systemic Injustice:  

The Fraud Called Thanksgiving:  Afghanistan: The Real Story:   A Brief History of Corporate Welfare:  Obama a Socialist and Fascist?:   Socialism for the Rich: Fascism in America:

The Conservative Corporate Welfare State: Education and the Conservative Corporate Welfare State:   War is a Force that Gives us Meaning:    The Totalitarian Nature of Neo-liberalism:   

Neo-Conservatism & the Disempowerment of Labor:   American Amnesia:   Tragedy of Haiti:   Democracy RIP - The Meritocracy Myth:   Corporatization of the Planet:   Conservatism for Dummies    

Tommy Douglas Tribute:   Groucho Marxism   Our Beneficent Government:   Ideology and Democracy:   America the Stupid   Neo-liberal Horror Story:    The Spectre of Donald Trump  

The State Run Corporatist Kleptocracy   The Confluence of Wealth and Power   Poverty of Conservatism    Thoughts on Democracy:    Corporate Hijacking of Education:   Self Esteem Analysis:

Politicians are Lying Bastards:   Anti-American Manifesto:    Our Economic Malaise   War to End all Wars:   Conservative Intellectual Rubbish:   Malfunctions of the Left: Patriotic Drivel:

Vile Conservatism of Stephen Harper:  Michael Parenti Page:    Support the Troops!:   Ayn Rand Christianity:   The Void of Postmodern Politics:    Who Was Norman Thomas?:  

Criteria for President of the USA:   Immorality of the War in Iraq:      Canada's Three Worst Prime Ministers:   Kamikaze Kapitalism:   Poverty of Economics:       Impending War in Iraq: 

Terrorism Since Columbus:   Discursive Thoughts on US Politics and the Rotting Corpse of Democracy:    The Corporate Takeover of the Planet:     Does the NDP Have a Future?:    We the Sheeple  

The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking:   Acton's Maxim & the Anarchist Principle:       Hierarchy, Business, Politics & the Peter Principle:   Capitalist Metaphysics::     Winnipeg General Strike:

Psychopathic Ultra-Rich Power Elites, Financial Vultures and Corporatist Slime Balls of the New World Order:    On Late Capitalism, Our Fraudulent Democracies and the End Game:      Whence the Revolution: 

 Capitalist Techo-Stupidity v Freedom and the Intellect: People Behaving Badly      The Disturbing Transformation of Traditional Conservatism    Jordan Peterson is a Pompous Ass   Meaning of Patriotism:

Problems with Private Property:    The Arbitrary Nature of Laws, Cops and Prisons:    An Early "Occupy" Episode:    On the Stupidity of the Strange Species Homo Sapiens:    Enemies of the Sheeple

Margaret Thatcher's Revolting Legacy:    Western Hypocrisy and Historical Ignorance on the War in Ukraine:    A Neo-liberal Horror Story    Schools as Instruments of Indoctrination  

Anti-War Movies and Songs   All Wars are Based on Lies    Pierre Poilievre is not Your Friend   Con Man Capitalism   Ongoing Russian Hatred:    Mr. Businessman   Skin in the Game:   

Why Capitalism and Christianity are Antithetical to Democracy and Morality   The Power of Pessimism and Negative Thinking (Part Three):    Neighbourhood Assholes:    Death of Liberalism:  

Skin in the Game:     Pledging Allegiance to a Piece of Cloth:    Burning the Canadian Flag:  

4. Cultural and Sociological

Patriotism: Four Fundamentalisms:    Dissent Page (Audio Clips):    Michael Parenti Page:   Futility of Hope:   Updated Newspeak and Doublespeak Dictionary   People Behaving Badly    

Richard Rorty - Failed Prophecies:    Kurt Vonnegut - Cold Turkey: Noam Chomsky Interview with CBC Radio (2002):    What Would The Enlightenment Philosophers Say?:

National Anthems:   Harold Bloom - Reflections:   Affirmative Action for Privileged White Males   On Human Nature:  Religion vs Class Struggles:   Grade Inflation and Self-Esteem:

Who was Adam Smith:     Pat Condell Web Site:   An Idiot's Guide to the War in Iraq:   Noam Chomsky - Goals and Visions:   Reflections on Remembrance Day:  On Overpopulation

Noam Chomsky: Interview on Ethics and War (July 2007):    Corporate Chemists from Hell:   Positive Thinking Mythology: Is Progress is a Delusion?:   Venture Capitalism for Dummies:   

Humanism & Education:  On Vaclav Havel  On the British Riots:   Invisible Hand:   Swinish Multitude: National Anthems, Loyalty Oaths and Other Patriotic Drivel:   Skin in the Game:   

Cancelling Everything Russian:    Christians, Capitalists and Other Conservatives are Wrong about Human Nature     Top 166 Pop Songs    Smart Phones are Creating Dumb People   On the Take:   

 Psychopaths in our Midst:   Pledging Allegiance to a Piece of Cloth:     Burning the Canadian Flag:  

VIII  Humor

Woody Allen: 1  2  3   George Carlin page:      George Carlin Quotes:       Ridiculous Religions:   Updated Newspeak and Doublespeak Dictionary

George Carlin on the Ten Commandments:     Bill Hicks Quotes:    Bill Hicks Audio Clips:   Curmudgeon's Dictionary of Religion:    Curmudgeon's Dictionary of Business:   


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        This Website is dedicated to all First Nations People   

                       Only after the last tree has been cut

                       Only after the last river has been poisoned

                       Only after the last fish has been caught

                       Only then will you discover that money cannot be eaten

                                     Cree Indian Prophecy                 



               Is the above myth less plausible than any Christian myth?