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                                                                       No Gods  ~ No Masters    ~ No Bullshit


Greetings Freethinkers

September 2024

The late former Canadian Prime Minister Lyin’ Brian Mulroney who had his date with God and Jesus earlier this year was a real piece of work, an upstanding bona fide sociopath right up there with Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Ron Ray Gun, Maggie “There is no society” Thatcher and another Crook Canuck Stephen Harper.

Mulroney was “great” as Canada’s phoney “liberal” Conservative and Neo-fascist rag The Globe and Mail claims– but at what no one else knows.

Like the idiocies of MAGA and “Great” Britain, when were the US and UK “great”, however defined?

Of course the US and UK were great at colonialism, racism, slavery, imperialist wars and genocide style killing - the US 25 million since 1945; not very noble or uplifting folks.

Consider a few sordid facts...

On the Take

Stevie Cameron’s 500 page Expose on the Crimes of former Canadian Conservative PM Brian Mulroney

Canada is known throughout the world as one of the most corrupt countries on the planet and an easy mark for financial cheats, scammers and hucksters of every stripe. Ordinary Canadians (the ones who actually pay taxes) are bilked of billions every year and continue to be swindled as I write.

For some enlightenment, read Bruce Livesey’s revelations in The Thieves of Bay Street.

The book On the Take ought to be required reading for every Canadian. Until you read this in depth expose' of Mulroney’s crimes by an excellent journalist and author Stevie Cameron, you will discover the magnitude of the deceit, crimes and the corruption of Mulroney's government.

In 500 shocking pages Stevie Cameron describes “Crime, Corruption and Greed in the Mulroney Years” the subtitle of the book. She starts off describing the Mulroney’s leaving the Prime Minister's lavish country residence. When the limousine stops down the driveway but is still in sight one of the staff gives a heartfelt cry “don't come back”. One marvels at how Cameron keeps track of all the devious slimy smirking con men and hucksters involved - the politicians, their bag men, the riding organizers, greedy asshole business people and so on, all of whom it seems have to be “on the take” and bought off once Mulroney became Prime Minister with lavish government contracts, cushy high paid bullshit jobs and Senate appointments for helping this prevaricating swine get elected. There was apparently an unwritten rule that 5% of any government contract was returned to someone as a commission who helped get it - even if it was a member of parliament; one cabinet minister directly asked for it, but otherwise it was hard to nail down. Cameron rightly comes down hard on news editors who avoided facts in order to avoid being demonized by Mulroney's sycophants and lackeys. She also comes down hard on the systemically racist and corrupt RCMP because it was patently obvious they evaded their responsibilities, especially when told to sweep the Karl Heinz Schreiber influence peddling scam under the carpet, a clandestine bribery operation in which Mulroney received several hundred thousand dollars in an envelope.

The book is inevitably a little hard slogging because of the sheer number of sordid stories, peoples' names and their positions; it certainly helps to have recollections of the events at the time. Karl Heinz Schreiber makes a couple of brief appearances, but this was before he became a key figure in the daily news. There are a few bodies in this book, and it seems unlikely they all committed suicide, though no charges were ever laid. It also seems likely that there was (and is?) money stashed in secret European bank accounts and offshore tax havens. Both Mulroney’s clearly had extravagant tastes, much of it underwritten by the gullible taxpayers.
How can one prevent all this corruption from recurring? You can’t. Just recall the massive golden parachutes of mafia banks and other criminal corporations that were bailed out to the tune of trillions of dollars in the global collapse of 2007-09.We of the 90% are still paying for this global debacle.

It is quite clear that Mulroney had no use for morals, principle, guidelines, taxes and rule of law which is applicable only to “the little people”.

Mulroney was the sociopathic boss and would do whatever his cold heart desired. Many bureaucrats with moral backbone lost their jobs or resigned because they refused to sign orders which they considered improper or illegal; these rare men and women with moral scruples were unfortunately not sufficient to bring it all to an end. The moral state of the world is now in shambles as we face existential threats from a variety of positions such as global heating, ecosystem collapse, pollution, overpopulation and a FUBAR world of capitalist dysfunction where anything goes if a profit can be squeezed out.
Stevie Cameron has performed a wonderful public service by putting this all together.

Also recommended are Yankee Doodle Dandy: Brian Mulroney and the American Agenda by Marci McDonald and A Secret Trial: Brian Mulroney, Stevie Cameron, and the Public Trust by William Kaplan.

 From the betrayal of the public from the sale of Crown corporations that served the public and earned cash flow for our government, CNR, Pearson International Airport, Petro-Canada and several other public utilities mainly to his greedy cockroach Conservative cronies. During his eight years of crime Mulroney’s government doubled the national debt as his popularity toward the end of his disastrous second term had descended to 8%. His equally criminal wife plundered the official residence when he was defeated in the election for a third term. The creation of the nefarious influence peddling, bribery and a criminal multinational corporation called SNC Lavalin by his Conservative cronies to extract multi-million dollar infrastructure projects via coercive bribery throughout the odious neo-fascist capitalist world - and too many other scams to mention.

My Memorial Service to Lyin’ Brian when the corrupt thieving sociopathic bastard and good buddy and fellow psychopathic asshole Ronald Ray Gun finally had his date with Jesus earlier this year:

Brian (On the Take) Mulroney is Dead

By JR, March 1, 2024

(Aka: Lyin' Brian, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Bastard in Bonehead clothing, Bonehead in Bastard clothing, Blarney and Bullshit - take your pick).

Now that this former Prime Minister and neo-con ass kisser for the Canadian ruling elite international banking mafia is dead the praise, accolades and other hot steaming bullshit, even from his former political enemies, are nauseatingly rampant.

I wrote this expose a few years ago….

One of Mulroney's famous (or infamous) quotes was "Give us 20 years and you won't recognize this country." What credulous Canadians didn't realize is that it was a threat, not a promise. It took him less than 10 years to demolish the country socially and economically.

You can read all 500 pages of the ugly and sordid blow by blow details in the book On the Take: Crime, Corruption and Greed in the Mulroney Years by Stevie Cameron.  Cameron condemns the bungling RCMP because it seems they also evaded their responsibilities in botching the evidence against Mulroney’s crimes, including bribery. The book is a little difficult slogging through the sheer volume of sordid stories, peoples' names and their positions; it certainly helps to have recollections of the events at the time. Karl Heinz Schreiber makes a couple of brief appearances, but this was before he became a figure in the daily news. Remember the envelope stuffed with cash? There are a few corpses in this book, and it seems unlikely they all committed suicide, though no charges were ever laid. It also seems likely that there is money stashed in an offshore tax haven or some clandestine Swiss bank account. Both Mulroney and his extravagant high class taste wife love the elitist life style and glitter, much underwritten by the beleaguered taxpayers. How can one prevent all this recurring? It’s far too late as the entire global gangster capitalist system is a cess pool of theft and corruption. It is quite clear that Mulroney had no use for guidelines, moderation of the rule of law; not unlike Trump he was the boss and would do whatever he wished. Many bureaucrats lost their jobs or resigned because they refused to be complicit in signing orders which they considered improper or illegal; these dissenters were unfortunately not sufficient in number to bring it all to an end. It’s not going to happen; the corruption is pervasive and systemic.

At best, Moose Jaw Mulroney, like Trump, belongs behind bars permanently. But if and when the revolution arrives, he, along with the smarmy con man Conrad Black (who still thinks Mulroney is a swell guy and was a great PM, perhaps even more admirable than himself - and the pious bible thumping working class hating Stephen Harper), will be among the first led to the firing squad. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the revolution, especially in a world of docile delusional know nothing morons.

Mulroney was a swinish parasitic pathological liar, a bag man and corporate crony who lined his pockets each day in office while dishing out patronage* and selling off Canada to the Americans. A good buddy of another incompetent conservative doltish pecker head known by friend and foe alike as Ronny Ray Gun whose primary attributes were raw sociopathic ambition, driven by unmitigated desire for power and corporate motivated imperialist wars combined with fiscal mismanagement and ineptitude. Mulroney managed to triple Canada's national debt, duplicating the time frame it took his buddy Ronald Ray Gun to do the same in the US. Mulroney ran up more debt than the accumulated peacetime debt combined since Confederation (that's excluding the two World Wars).  Even after he was finally given the boot by the Canadian electorate, his wife plundered anything and everything left standing n their official plush Ottawa residence. Quite a feat of theft and plunder, don’t you think, fellow Canucks?

* In his first year in office Mulroney set an all-time record, making 1,280 patronage appointments, filling the ranks with his school pals, relatives, business associates and boozing buddies.

Like his pal Ray Gun, Mulroney's dreadful regime in the 1990s was like an endless tilt-a-whirl or möbius strip horror story that was as painful for the citizens of our country as chronic haemorrhoids and passing kidney stones.  Even Willy Shakespeare could not have concocted such a tragic comedy.

Mulroney was the asshole who signed the phony free trade agreements such as NAFTA (basically blank checks for corporations and Canada’s banking mafia to operate with impunity throughout the world) thus throwing the Canadian middle and working classes off the bus for good. Thanks for nothing Brian. This is the same insufferable psychopathic twit who once said "Don't talk to me about free trade. Free trade is a threat to the sovereignty of Canada". He wasn't called Lyin' Brian for nothing.

Brian Mulroney became the most despised Prime Ministers in Canadian history, his popularity reduced to 8% during his last months in office. After politics he continued unabated his life of crime as a professional influence peddler and corporate bag man.       

Written during the cruel dystopian Stephen Harper regime:



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